- give someone the sack
- уволить кого-л.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
give someone the sack — give (someone) the sack get the sack to be told to leave your job. After only 2 weeks she was given the sack for being rude to a customer … New idioms dictionary
give someone the Spanish archer — Vrb phrs. To dismiss, to sack. A pun on the Spanish archer being called El Bow, thus give someone the elbow (dismiss someone). E.g. I found out she was having it away with the milkman, so I gave her the old spanish archer … English slang and colloquialisms
give (someone) the air — to dismiss from employment The employee may also, if so unfortunate, be given the bag1, the boot, the bullet, the breeze, the sack, notice, warning, the wind2, his running shoes, etc. Also, apart from the bag, the sack, notice, or warning,… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
give the sack — give (someone) the sack get the sack to be told to leave your job. After only 2 weeks she was given the sack for being rude to a customer … New idioms dictionary
give someone their cards — (Brit. informal) DISMISS, get rid of, lay off, make redundant, let someone go, discharge; informal sack, fire, kick/boot out, give someone their marching orders, give someone the (old) heave ho, give someone the elbow/push. → card … Useful english dictionary
sack — The expressions to sack (someone) or to give (someone) the sack, meaning ‘to dismiss’ and to get the sack, meaning ‘to be dismissed’, are all still informal only despite a history of use since the 19c, possibly as a loan translation of the French … Modern English usage
sack — I UK [sæk] / US verb [transitive] Word forms sack : present tense I/you/we/they sack he/she/it sacks present participle sacking past tense sacked past participle sacked ** 1) British informal to tell someone that they can no longer work at their… … English dictionary
sack — {{11}}sack (n.1) large bag, O.E. sacc (W.Saxon), sec (Mercian), sæc (Old Kentish) large cloth bag, also sackcloth, from P.Gmc. *sakkiz (Cf. M.Du. sak, O.H.G. sac, O.N. sekkr, but Goth. sakkus probably is directly from Gk.), an early borrowing… … Etymology dictionary
sack — 1. noun Syn: bag, pouch, pocket, pack 2. verb; informal Syn: dismiss, discharge, lay off, make redundant, let go, throw out; informal fire, give someone the sack; Brit.; informal give someone their cards … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Give smb. the flick — 1. dismiss or sack (someone); 2. end a romantic relationship with (someone); to drop (someone) … Dictionary of Australian slang
give smb. the flick — Australian Slang 1. dismiss or sack (someone); 2. end a romantic relationship with (someone); to drop (someone) … English dialects glossary